
Before promoting the event we used a Google form to ask potential attendees questions, such as their data experience, which Library Carpentry modules they'd be interested in, and what they'd like to talk about at a data event.

How would you describe your experience of working with data?

We asked this so we could get an idea of how people viewed their experience with data. That could influence the training sessions we ran, but was mainly to get an idea of the mix of attendees. Any training would ensure every level of expertise was welcome.

Which Library Carpentry modules would you most like to cover?

We wanted to make this a chance to learn data skills. Library Carpentry materials are lessons in different areas around data, automation and programming. We asked people to vote on which modules they would like to learn (they could choose as many as they liked).

What else would you like to cover?

We were interested in what people would want to talk about. Everyone will be free to pitch on the day, but these are a selection of suggestions we've already received.

Last updated